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Professional Dental Cleanings – Essential to Your Health

A female dentist and a smiling man sitting in a dental chair.

Many people think a dental cleaning is just something you get to spruce up, like a haircut or facial. Did you know, however, that professional cleanings do more than just make your teeth look brighter? They also have health benefits. What Happens in a Dental Cleaning A teeth cleaning involves removing soft and hard deposits… Continue reading

Why Dental Care Is Essential to Child Health

A young girl is sitting in a dentist's chair.

Here at Elegant Smiles, our mission is to ensure that everyone we care for has the best dental health possible. And we’ve got a special place in our heart for our smallest patients! Why is dental care so important to the health of your kids? Healthy Smile, Healthy Body Pediatric dentistry isn’t just about curing… Continue reading

Why Whiten? 5 Reasons to Think About Bleaching Your Teeth

A man and a woman with perfect smiles

A healthy smile is a beautiful smile. Teeth naturally come in a variety of shades, so even naturally yellowish teeth can be perfectly healthy. Teeth bleaching may not be a required part of your dental health. Still, there are a few reasons you should consider lightening your dark tooth color. You can take years off… Continue reading

Time Flies (Does Your Smile Show It?)

A family is posing for a photo in a dentist's office.

As we ring in the new year, it’s natural to begin reviewing and revisiting the actions and choices you made last year. There are things you are proud of and things you wish you had a second chance to do again. Where do you rank your dental care in that list? Have you even thought… Continue reading

We May One Day Never Need Dental Fillings

A woman sitting in a dentist's chair.

At this time, we only have the ability to stop decay and patch up the damage. Dental fillings and fluoride and the main tools. While reliable, these methods don’t heal and restore the tooth. Here are a few promising cavity-reversal methods on the horizon which may completely revolutionize dentistry within the next generation. Aspirin Researchers… Continue reading

What To Do When Your Tooth Fractures

A smiling woman sitting in a dental chair.

You know that nightmarish feeling of looking down in your hand and finding a piece of your tooth? If you don’t, great, but that day may yet come, so it doesn’t hurt to be prepared. What should you do if you’re facing a dental emergency like a fractured tooth? Elegant Smiles has just the tips… Continue reading

Keep Your Gums Healthy With These 4 Tips

A blond woman with blue eyes is smiling.

A dazzling white smile is nothing if you don’t have the beautiful gums to show it off in. Healthy gums come in a range of colors and shapes. But puffy, swollen, receded, or angry-red aren’t normal descriptors of gums. Those are actually signs of infected and inflamed gums. So if you want to keep your… Continue reading

Is There Any Way to Avoid Getting a Dental Crown?

A woman with a toothache touching the painful jaw

Advanced tooth decay can wreck so much of a tooth that there’s not enough left to retain a classic dental filling. In that case, a cap, or crown, may be necessary. Crowns replace the outer layer of enamel to reinforce the tooth and seal out bacteria. For as much good as crowns do, you might… Continue reading

How Veneers Can Change Your Smile

A young smiling woman

Some people think that dental veneers are an unnecessary luxury. But that’s passing a premature judgement. Until you find out what veneers are really about, you’re smile is probably missing out. What Veneers Actually Do A veneer is a thin shell of material, usually porcelain. It’s a bit thicker than a contact lens and it’s… Continue reading

Why a Sleep Apnea Mouthpiece May be Better Than CPAP

A snoring man sleeping next to an upset woman covering her ears with a pillow.

If you’ve spent years trying to have a normal life with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, you know just how challenging the sleeping disorder can be for your home and family. You may not even be sharing a bedroom anymore, just because of how loud and cumbersome the CPAP equipment is at night. We have good news: you… Continue reading

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2882 N. Druid Hills Rd Suite A
Atlanta, GA 30329

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Monday - Thursday 8am - 5pm Friday 8am - 2pm

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