Whether it is a single tooth extraction or multiple dental implants, oral surgery requires a designated period of healing. In fact, how your oral tissues heal after surgery can greatly influence the overall success of your procedure. Oral surgery can be carried out with minimal discomfort using modern anesthetics and sedation dentistry. When you leave the dental office, however, there are some important things to keep in mind to foster comfortable, fast and complete healing.
At Elegant Smiles, we want our oral surgery patients to get back to their everyday routine as soon as possible. However, we recognize the importance of a disciplined post-operative period at home to get the best results and avoid complications.
Beyond the post-operative instructions for eating and managing pain that we will explain before your go home, we invite you to consider adding the following tips to expedite your healing after oral surgery:
Add a Probiotic
There are numerous benefits to taking a good probiotic every day. A probiotic improves your gut health and helps fight bad bacteria with good bacteria. However, the benefits don’t stay in your stomach. Probiotics also strengthen your overall immune system and boosts nutritional absorption. Some studies have shown that probiotics help fight infection and reduce inflammation in the body, which are critical advantages as your mouth is trying to heal after surgery.
Consider Vitamin D and Vitamin C
Don’t dismiss the importance of nutrition after any type of surgery. Vitamin D and Vitamin C especially are known for their immune boosting powers. It is critical that you keep your mouth free of infection as your oral wounds heal. Vitamin D can also support your bone strength, which is important if you are recovering from jaw surgery or dental implant surgery.
Get Better Sleep
The body heals best when it is given proper amounts of rest. Inadequate sleep is associated with several health problems, including systemic inflammation and weakened immune systems. Give yourself permission to get some extra hours of sleep as you recover from dental surgery, as this will only speed up your healing process.
Trusted Oral Surgery in Atlanta
At Elegant Smiles, we know that oral surgery may not be something you look forward to. However, if it is recommended at our office, you can trust that we will carry it out with the highest respect to your comfort and safety. Our team is here for you while you are at our office as well as when you go home to recover. For more tips on how to encourage better healing after oral surgery, please call our office.
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2882 N. Druid Hills Rd Suite A
Atlanta, GA 30329
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Email: staff@dentalatl.com