Hot coco, spicy apple cider, your favorite hot mocha on a cold day…what do all of these have in common? They’re dark liquids we enjoy over the holidays that also cause tooth stain. And since our beverages practically coat our entire smile each time we sip on them, some of us see more stain on our teeth over the winter months than other times of the year.
Fortunately, you can limit how much tooth stain you get (and smile brightly in that next virtual office party) by following these easy tips:
Rinse with Water Throughout the Day
You can find water practically everywhere, even if you’re not able to brush right that moment. Try to rinse your teeth every time you eat or drink something to instantly reduce the level of acidic byproducts inside of your mouth.
Wait 30 Minutes to Brush
Don’t scrub your teeth right after a meal or beverage. Why? Because it moves all of the acids around a greater surface area. The safer thing to do is rinse, wait 30 minutes, then brush.
Touch Up Your Whitening
Pull out your whitening trays and gel. Touch up by wearing them for about an hour a day for a few days in a row. You won’t have to whiten as long as you did initially, because touchups take less time.
Make Sure You’re Up to Date on Your Cleaning
Are you due for a dental cleaning?Buildup on your teeth will soak up stain from the foods and drinks you consume, so getting your teeth cleaned can help.
Elegant Smiles (Brookhaven) is currently scheduling for our remaining checkup appointments through the remainder of the year. Call us today to reserve a visit before it’s too late!
Posted on behalf of
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Atlanta, GA 30329
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Email: staff@dentalatl.com